21/11 Conference “Supporting the Next IPCEI European Champions in Solar Industry”

21/11 Conference “Supporting the Next IPCEI European Champions in Solar Industry”

On Monday 21 November from 11:00 to 12:30, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg will be hosting the conference-debate “Supporting the Next IPCEI European Champions in Solar Industry”, in collaboration with Schuman Associates, a consulting company and member of the Chamber.

The conference is a unique opportunity to present the Spanish leadership within the photovoltaic IPCEI (PV-IPCEI). The speakers that Víctor Marcos, Director of Renewable Energies of the Spanish Government’s Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), Demos Spatharis, Head of Unit IPCEI, Environment and Innovation at the Competition Directorate of the European Commission, Anca Wlizlo, Head of Investment, Financing and Strategic Consulting (specialised in IPCEI, H2 and PV projects) at Schuman Associates, and a representative of the European Solar Manufacturing Council.

Although Austria launched the first public announcement of interest for the PV-IPCEI, no other country has organised events to inform potential interested companies on this topic. The intention is to align ourselves with the national launch of the initiative at this event organised for the first time in Brussels. The conference-debate is addressed especially to companies with a strong research and innovation factor and with an interest in learning about investment opportunities in renewable energies in Spain or elsewhere in the EU.

The event will be held in English. You can check the programme through this link.

If you are interested in participating, please send an email to info@e-camara.com. The Chamber has the right to confirm participation in case of a large number of applications.

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